So I finished with my final exams today at 3:30 pm. I went to work, and then saw Star Trek Into Darkness at 7.
I'm sure I enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness. But I’m not sure I
liked it.
I also thought I should let you know that Word does not like
the grammar of the title. I think it might like if better if there was some punctuation.
I’m not going to give away everything that happens in the
movie. But I am going to give away a few things. So if you haven’t seen it yet,
for the love of God, man, stop reading.
The movie opens with Kirk channeling Indiana Jones, running
from a pack of indigenous aliens on a ridiculously pre-warp civilization. The
aliens are the typical native stereotype, whooping as they chase down Kirk, who
has stolen something “they were worshiping.” We find out he had a noble reason
to distract them—they were going to stagnate the volcano that was threatening
to destroy the planet—but the approach struck me as distinctly un-Treklike (if
that makes sense). Thus, my nerd-rage/nerdgasm coaster began with a height of
nerd rage. Also, they parked the Enterprise
underwater. That does not seem like something you should do with a spaceship.
Following this, though, were some solidly enjoyable portions
of the film. I loved Benedict Cumberbatch’s ruthlessness, and I always enjoy a
Kirk-is-in-trouble-oh-wait-he’s-the-only-one-who-can-save-the-day conundrum. I
was thrilled to see some Klingons, and caught myself fist-pumping when one used
a Bat’leth instead of a gun against Kirk.
I had pretty much recovered from the nerdrage from the
opening, and was enjoying an amusing scene with Carol Marcus and Bones on a
planet surface (Karl Urban is such a great Bones that sometimes I forget he’s
not DeForest Kelley). And then they opened a torpedo and found a cryogenically frozen
stowaway. And, being a good Trekker, I knew what this confirmed. And I was
pissed. Warning: obscene language:
Of course, if you know anything about Khan, you know that he
was a cryogenically frozen superhuman discovered by the Enterprise crew.
Also, if you know anything about Khan, you know that his full
name is Khan Noonien Singh.
Does anything strike you about that name? Why yes, you’re
correct. The character is of North Indian descent, often described as a Sikh.
In case you haven’t noticed, Benedict Cumberbatch is not.
Let me jump in here and say that I love Benedict Cumberbatch
(though I can’t say I love him as much as the next girl, because he has some devoted fans). I do like pretty much
everything he does, and I think he did a great job as Khan—especially once he
came out as Khan and was able to act like the character. I just don’t think he
should have been cast.
Or, if they really wanted
Benedict Cumberbatch at the villain, why not have him be Gary Mitchelll or a
similarly super-powered character with a great backstory? I know that means
they couldn’t have Wrath of Khaned it up in the late quarter of the movie, but
they could have done something unique with it. Of course, Khan has been frozen
since the 1990s and Gary
hasn’t come into his god-like powers in the timeline yet… but they could have
changed that. They managed to resurrect without Project Genesis. They could
have avoiding white-washing a character explicitly
known to be of another race. I thought that they may be avoiding it,
tweaking the character a bit so that Cumberbatch could be Khan, but they do
address him by his full name. So no tweaking in that regard (though they did
tweak the character by having Star Fleet wake him up “early”).
(Edit: I suppose part of why I'm so annoyed about this is that Star Trek is not supposed to be about whitewashing. They had Uhura, they had the first interrracial kiss. It should be better than this. I guess that's Hollywood.)
Sigh. While I’m being bitter and resentful, I might as well
express my disdain at the fact that they had Chekhov, they had Klingons, but he
never once said “Klingon wessels.”
Another thing: though Carol Marcus's scream during in the trailer kind of annoyed me--horror movie scream much?--when I saw it in the film it completely made sense. I was like "Yup. That would pretty much be my reaction in that situation." Though I might have a little more rage, but I'm just an angry person.
I did enjoy the last portion of the movie, though. I liked
how it mirrored the death scene in Wrath of Khan. I always love seeing Spock
show his human side. (And I always love knowing that most bad things are fixed
in the Star Trek universe).
For a minute here, before I wrap things up, I am going to
diverge and overthink things a little (Gab, this is for you). What are the
moral ramifications of keeping Khan frozen, knowing that his blood (and,
presumably, the blood of everyone in his crew) can cure disease and bring
people back from the dead? We know that the Federation doesn't use the death
penalty, preferring incarceration and rehabilitation, and would probably avoid
submitting Khan to it. Still, though, could they afford to lock him away with
that healing power, especially since the information is bound to get out?
My biggest beef with Star Trek Into Darkness, though, is the
feeling I get while watching it. I enjoy it, but it doesn't feel like Trek. It
feels like someone took the Wrath of Khan and drained it of everything Star
Trek related, and turned it into an action movie. It was entertaining, and Karl
Urban, Simon Pegg, and Anton Yelchin are able to make it seem more Treklike,
but it ultimately just seems like a generic action movie. An action movie with
some of my favorite characters, but an action movie nonetheless.
I remember adoring the first Abrams Star Trek. I don’t
remember it being inherently un-Treklike. Maybe it was just the first scene
that put that thought into my head, leaving it unable to get out. I’ll probably
have to go back and re-watch the first movie. But not tonight.
Tonight, I’m going to immerse myself in the some seriously
Trek viewing.
Tonight, I’m watching The Trouble with Tribbles.
(And also The Voyage Home and The Savage Curtain).
My score? 6/10 Tribbles. Fun, entertaining, but not great and not very Trek-like.